1. Product Name:
Tremclad Rust Paint Spray
2. Manufacturer:
Tremco Toronto, ON M4H 1G7
3. LD 50: Non Applicable
4. Hazard Statement:
Very Flammable, Contents Under Pressure, Poison
Fumes may catch fire. Fumes may be harmful. Container may explode if Heated.
Precautionary Statements:
Do not puncture or burn. Do not smoke or breathe fumes. Do not get in eyes. Keep away from flames, such as a pilot light, and any object that sparks, such as an electric motor. Use only in a well ventilated area. Wear an organic vapour respiratory and safety glasses. Keep out of reach of children. Store away from heat.
5. Incompatibility:
Flames, sparks, heat and electric motors.
6. SDS?
Non Applicable
7. Product used for:
Rust protection paint.