Liquid Paper Correction Fluid

Liquid Paper Correction Fluid

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 0

1. What is the name of the product? Liquid Paper Correction Fluid

2. Name of the Manufacturer of the product. Sanford Corporation

3. What is Its  LC 50 (or LD 50)? ...if not listed post as 'non applicable' - Not applicable

4. List a Hazard statement and a Precationary statement of the product.

If vapors are deliberately inhaled, the following symptoms may occur: respiratory irritation, dizziness, drowsiness...

Steps to be taken in case material is released or spill: Wipe up with absorbent material

5. What material is the product incompatible with? Strong Oxidizers

6. When was the SDS issued (year)? 2001

7. What is the product used for in your workplace? To inconspicuously hide (writen/typed) mistakes.

(Edited by In Structor - original submission Wednesday, 15 June 2016, 11:05 AM)