The Stripper

The Stripper

by Deleted user -
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. What is the name of the product? The Stripper

2. Name of the Manufacturer of the product. Duro Dyne

3. What is Its  LC 50 (or LD 50)? 1237 mg/1, 120 minutes. 52% 120 minutes

4. LIst a Hazard statement Extremely flammable aerosol.
Precationary statement Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. No smoking.

5. What material is the product incompatible with?

This product is stable and non-reactive under normal conditions of use. Material is stable under normal conditions.

6When was the SDS Issued  Version # 02 Revision date 1/18/17

7. What is the product used for in your workplace?

Removing build up of galvanized steel from lock forming machine.