Klean Strip Paint Thinner

Klean Strip Paint Thinner

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 0

1. What is the name of the product? Klean Strip Paint Thinner

 2. Name of the Manufacturer of the product. W. M. Barr

 3. What is Its  LC 50 (or LD 50)? non applicable

4. LIst a Hazard statement and a Precationary statement of the product.

H315: Causes skin irritation.

 5. What material is the product incompatible with?
Incompatible with strong acids, alkalies, and oxidizers such as liquid chlorine and oxygen.

6When was the SDS issued ? 05/24/2017

7. What is the product used for in your workplace? (briefly explain)

Removing paint spills from undesired surfaces and thinning paint for spray purposes.