Yellow 77 PRO Wire Pulling Lubricant

Yellow 77 PRO Wire Pulling Lubricant

by Deleted user -
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1.) Name of Product: Yellow 77 PRO Wire Pulling Lubricant

2.) Company Name: IDEAL INDUSTRIES, INC.

Company Address: Becker Place, Sycamore, IL 60178

Company Telephone: Office hours (Mon – Fri) 7AM - 5 PM (CDT) (815)895-5181

Company Contact Name: Darryl Docter.


Emergency phone number: 24 HOUR EMERGENCY NUMBER: (815)895-5181.

3.) LC50: non applicable, no data available

4.) Hazard Statement: not applicable

Precautionary Statement: none applicable

5.) Incompatibility: Avoid strong oxidizers

6.) Date of issue: 05.12.2015

7.) Product use: Wire pulling lubricant. Example; using the product on wire to make it easier to pull through conduit.