1. What is the name of the product? (Also add the name of the product in the 'subject' heading of your post}
Motomaster Primer
2. Name of the Manufacturer of the product.
Canadian Tire Corportation, Limited
3. What is Its LC 50 (or LD 50)? ...if not listed post as 'non applicable'
non applicable
4. List a Hazard statement and a Precationary statement of the product.
-vapour harmful
-extremely flammable
-direct inhalation of spray may be harmful
precautionary statement: prevention
avoid contents from heat and use under well-ventilated conditions.
5. What material is the product incompatible with?
hot water, stoves, radiators and other forms of heat sources.
6. When was the SDS issued (year)?
7. What is the product used for in your workplace? (briefly explain)
body work on a vehicle.