We work in an environemnt without harardous products

Re: No such thing as work in an environemnt without harardous products

by In Structor -
Number of replies: 0

There are always "hazardous" products in every workplace, sometimes you just have to dig. Remeber a hazard is anything that can cause harm and with respect to Whmis almost every retail product has an SDS (available online) that can be quite surprising.

One workplace that equally felt they had NO hazardous products was shocked to find that their floors were being covered by a high gloss wax that contained carcinogens, and as a result when the cleaners 'burnished' the floors weekly, the dust released was toxic. This was discovered by finding the wax product name and referring to its SDS. Not surprisingly the cleaners were advised to change the floor wax (it was banned in the US but still available in Canada at a reduced rate -wonder why?).

David your post is good, but please look around with 'new eyes', through the lens of Health & Safety!

Once you see truth it is impossible to un-see it...and that is good!

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