Mulco Supra Expert

Mulco Supra Expert

by Deleted user -
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1.     What is the name of the product?   

Mulco Supra Expert

2.     Name of the Manufacturer of the product.

Sico Inc.

3.     What is Its  LC 50 (or LD 50)? ...

Route: oral   Species: rat, adult      Dose: 4300mg/kg

4.     LIst a Hazard statement and a Precationary statement of the product.

Ingestion hazard: may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gastro-intestinal irritation and ulceration.

Prcationary:  don not swallow

5.     What material is the product incompatible with?

Strong oxidiaing material

6.     When was the SDS issued (year)?


7.     What is the product used for in your workplace?

Sealing parallel gaps/spaces for roofing material, and for fireplace venting around the termination to keep out weather