king type s mortar

king type s mortar

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 0

1: king type s mortar
2:King Packaged Materials Company, 3385 Harvester Road, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 3Y5,
3: not applicable  Silica, total quartz LD50 (Oral) 500 mg/kg (rat)
                          [Silca quartz, known Carcinogen, 0.5 grams/kg]
4:causes skin irritation, cause serious eye damage, may cause an allergic skin reaction, may cause cancer, may cause respiratory irritation causes damage to organs. precautionary statements obtain special instructions before use contaminated work clothing must not b allowed out of the work place. wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection and face protection use outdoors do not breathe in or eat drink smoke while using this product
5: none known
6: January 06 2016
7:this product is used to bond the blocks or bricks together without the mortar unable to build walls etc


(Edited by In Structor - original submission Tuesday, 3 April 2018, 8:39 AM)