1. Glass Gleam-4
2. Titan Industries
3. LD50 Oral - Rat: 3,950 mg/kg, LD50 Dermal - Rabbit: > 5,000 mg/kg
4. Hazard Statement: H302 - Harmful if swallowed , Precautionary Statement: P261 - Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray.
5. This product is incompatible with strong acids, strong bases, strong oxidizing agents, strong reducing agents, Alcohols, Amines, reactive metals (Zinc & Aluminum) and their alloys (Brass, etc.), Copper and its alloys, Iron, rubber, and materials that are reactive with Hydroxyl compounds.
6. The SDS was issued in 2015
7. The product is used as the main ingredient in cleaning windows. It is added to water along with dish soap to create a cleaning solution for glass.